Tuesday, April 14, 2015

So many appointments!

We had another growth ultrasound last week. Maelyn is growing well! She is measuring at 4 pounds 1 ounce and is in the 35th percentile. I also had my first non-stress test, which she passed. I will now start having to go twice a week for non-stress tests. Luckily my OB appointments and growth ultrasounds can be done in the same appointments as the non-stress tests. The non-stress test consists of me laying back in a recliner, with two straps and monitors around me, for 20 minutes while her heart rate is tracked. It's nice for me to have to sit back and relax in a recliner for 20 minutes, but when I have a 3 year old and 1.5 year old with me, I can't move to wrangle them. We also will have one more cardiologist appointment before she is born. Micah has a cardiologist appointment this week to get an EKG. I'm a little nervous about how he will do. It's going to be a long morning. He will also have one more metabolic appointment before Maelyn is born. That is 16 more doctors appointments, in the next 6 weeks. Then begins the hospital stays, surgeries and bi-weekly appointments for Maelyn...

With all of these appointments, plus moving, our friends have really stepped up and offered to watch the boys a lot! We even got a date afternoon on Sunday! Since moving away from all of our family, 6 years ago, I feel like I've gotten used to it, but it's times like this that I really, really feel it. I wish I could call on family to help babysit or come over to give us time to pack or even be able to spend time just Tim and I, and just for them to get to know my kids. I also know we aren't going to be able to travel at all this year, so we wont get to see family for a while. It is getting harder to be so far from family, even with so much love and support from friends. I want my kids to know their family, and I want to watch my nieces and nephews grow up. I see other families where the little cousins are BFF's and I get a little jealous. Last year I had to resign to the fact that we would only see family, once or twice a year while we live in CO, but now, at least this year, we wont be able to see anyone but our parents. I have to constantly remind myself that we are in the right place. We are where we need to be right now. We are where God wants us. I just wish it were closer to family (and the ocean). 

Pray for us on Thursday. Micah has his EKG in the morning and then I will be bringing the boys to my non-stress test in the afternoon. We've also started packing. Pray we (I) do not get too overwhelmed and can get it all done and then moved smoothly. Ben is having a hard time with the packing idea. He doesn't understand the concept, that it needs to stay in the box and then will be unpacked after the move. I think he is afraid it's not going to be unpacked or I am going to give it away. He knows that we are "moving to miss Betti's house" but I don't know how much he understand what that means. Pray for all of the transitions that are coming. We have 2 weeks until we move, and 6 weeks until Maelyn is born. Life is getting crazy and there is no end in sight. 

Here are some random pictures of adorableness for you. 

Easter sweaters
The slide is their new favorite thing
Watching the fork lift and truck outside

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