Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I sought the Lord and He answered me

We are still in the first surgery waiting game. We will be in this 'wait and see' period until her Glenn procedure is scheduled, which we are hoping she can wait until October for. Her appointment on Monday went much better. Her echo showed a slight increase in blockage, but her oxygen levels are back in the mid to low 80's which is great! Your prayers are working! I don't know what would cause her oxygen levels to stay up when the blockage is increased. So continue to pray for no changes! And oxygen levels to stay up! She is still nursing great and gaining weight. Her doctors, nurses and dietitian say she is the perfect patient! 

Growing so fast!
I can't believe she is almost 4 weeks old! She is starting to be a little more awake and alert. I'm trying to get her to smile or coo! Since she is more alert she is also a little fussier, but I really can't complain, she is so much easier than the boys were! Her fussy time of day is usually from 8-9, right before bed. She is up about every 3 hours at night, nurses for 10 minutes and lays right back down. She is such a great nurser, almost too good. she would just nurse constantly if I let her. And the only reason I don't let her is, Micah nursed every hour and it was horrible, so I don't want to get into that again! If you didn't know anything was wrong with her, you would never guess. But knowing, I can feel her heart beat on the wrong side of her chest and I notice that her color changes faster than most babies when she is cold or upset. The pediatrician also let me listen to her heart at her last appointment and it does not sound like a normal heartbeat. 

Micah's cast came off this week! He is walking, but he is walking funny and is not very confident. The doctor said it could take a few weeks for him to be back to normal. I am so glad it is off! And he is walking! He loves his baby sister so much too. He loves watching her, showing her toys and occasionally holding her. He also loves to "boop" her nose (which in our house means "I love you"). He mostly calls her 'baby'. We are working on teaching him to call her Mae, but it sounds like 'mine' so I'm not sure if he uses it or not. We are still working on his speech. He has more words, but they don't sound like ours. For example, "Ben" is "Beng" and "more" is "muy".  

Micah and Mae doing tummy time / Micah and Ben doing tummy time

Ben loves his little sister too, but is a little less interested. He will want to hold her and hug her but then he is done and goes to play. He is more interested in his BFF Micah. He loves playing with Micah and trying to teach Micah things. Sometimes I wonder if Micah doesn't have much speech because Ben talks sooo much. 

This week, family is gone, Tim is working, and I am home by myself with all three kids. I am so blessed. They are all so good. We have not had any major melt downs yet. I'll admit the TV has been on more than I like, but oh well! I just feel so grateful to have all three home and for them all to be doing so well. Micah's GSD is under control, his cast is off, Mae's oxygen is good right now and she hasn't had surgery yet. Praise God for these victories! While I was pregnant I was so consumed with the unknown and the worry and stress of everything, that I never felt 'normal'. Having her home feels like a dream come true and I finally feel normal. I know that she will be having surgery and we have a lot a head of us, but I am praising God for each day that we are home. And thank you God that we have a home! After we moved in, I dreamed of sitting in our backyard on my swing, nursing my baby girl while my boys played in the sand box, and I thought it was a far off dream. She was not supposed to come home so soon, she was not supposed to be such a good nurser, but here we are! 

The Lord heard my cries, and he delivered me from my fears (psalm 34:4, psalm 18:6). 
Please continue to pray with us for oxygen levels, upcoming surgeries, and peace, joy, and life to the full! Thank you!

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