Tuesday, August 18, 2015

12 weeks old!

We had an appointment yesterday for Maelyn and got great news! The shunt surgery is out of the picture. She is 12 weeks old and over 12 pounds, so she is now big enough to get the Glenn procedure early if needed. We are going to tentatively schedule the Glenn procedure for early October. If her oxygen drops and stays down before that, Maelyn will probably be admitted for observation and they will decide how to proceed before she has the Glenn surgery. I am so relieved to know that she will not be getting the shunt surgery and I am so glad that I can put a surgery date on my calendar. Before her surgery she will also need an MRI and possibly a heart catheterization. We are looking at having that done mid September. That will be an outpatient procedure, however she will be under anesthesia and have a breathing tube put in for the procedures, so it will be a hard day with a recovery period. 

Having a date for surgery does not mean we will be out of this day to day waiting game. I will still be checking her oxygen several times a day to make sure she is ok. Please keep praying that her oxygen stays above 75%! Her oxygen has been all over the place and has everyone on high alert. Even at her appointment yesterday she was anywhere between 70-81%. Even though it is very unpredictable these days, it is generally averaging 78%. So when she seems to have a low period I am trying to worry less and wait for it to come back up. Her nurse says that is ok as long as everything else is fine (breathing, feeding, mood and coloring), but if she stays below 75% for a couple days I will have to take her in and most likely be admitted. 

Overall she is still doing well. She is getting so big and she is getting very social! She is turning into a cute little girl baby and loosing her new born looks. She has the cutest reactions when she finds a face. Her arms flail and she give a big open mouth smile. She doesn't coo or talk very often but when she does she is very talkative. She is not a fan of tummy time, but she is getting stronger and can lift her head. I don't think she is close to rolling at all. 

Praise God, we made it to 12 weeks without surgery! Her nurse said she might be the biggest baby she's ever sent into surgery! I truly believe God has been sustaining her. He is hearing your prayers and He is in control. He must have big plans for her life! Continue to pray for upcoming procedures and surgeries. Pray for her body and her brain development. Pray for her nurse, doctor and surgeon, that they would have divine wisdom over her and that they would sense the Lord's presence when they are with her. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news! Maelyn is determined to be strong to keep up with her brothers!
