Saturday, September 12, 2015

Maelyn's MRI

The day before the MRI. Proverbs 31
Maelyn's MRI was a few days ago. She did very well! I was nervous. It her first time under anesthesia and the risks are higher with heart conditions. But the children's hospital has specific pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists, so I knew she was in the best hands possible. She also needed an IV and a breathing tube. She did get a couple of pokes for the IV placement, but she was asleep during it so she probably doesn't notice the bruises on both of her hands. I was worried that the breathing tube would make nursing more difficult for her but she did fine. The only adverse affects she had was a raspy voice for one day and cough for a couple days. Over all she did really good. Tim took her because she needed to fast before hand. Luckily it is only a 4 hour fast for breast fed babies, and daddy was able to take her. She didn't seem to mind the fast at all. Tim said she was strangely happy at the hospital waiting for the procedure. When she woke up she was groggy and upset, but all as to be expected. We were only in recovery for about 45 minutes! Once she was unhooked from everything and dressed in her own clothes and blanket she was much happier. We got to talk to her doctor for a minute on our way out. He was glad to see that she did well and was already leaving. Her oxygen has been pretty good. It has more extreme highs and lows, but over all it is good. Her doctor said that is totally normal and her oxygen is probably still higher because her heart may be growing extra arterial branches to over compensate. They will be able to see that on the MRI and will remove them during surgery if needed. We have a follow up appointment next week and will talk with her nurse and doctor more about the MRI and surgery.

Ready to go in to the MRI
Now that the MRI is done, she is all ready for surgery. We are less than 3 weeks from the surgery. I'm trying not to focus on it or think about it too much. Since I am such a planner and visualizer, it is hard not to think about or plan for the hospital stay. I am feeling kind of prepared for surgery. I'm ready to be out of this day to day with her and to just get it over with. Since we found out about her heart condition I've been preparing for the worst with her, and she keeps ending up doing the best! So I'm praying she keeps it up and just aces surgery. But thinking about staying at the hospital for a week again is hard. Her recovery will be hard but I know it will be easier on me at home. The last couple weeks I've been focusing on little projects around the house and just spending time with my kids. I'm trying to soak in every second with her. It is hard, with other things on my plate and other needy little ones but the boys are pretty good about me tending to her first. The boys get more independent everyday. Sometimes I can't believe how fast they grow!

Day after the MRI, watching TV with her brothers!

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