Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hope for life

Praise you Jesus that you give us life and only life to the fullest. 

These last 4 days have been such an emotional roller coaster. I think we started out with the worst case scenario and so every day has only gotten better. While Maelyn still has a long way to go and is still at a super high risk of being still born, I feel like I finally have hope that I might get to hold my daughter.

We got the call today that the initial results from the amniocentesis came back NORMAL! She does not have any of the trisomy disorders, she does not have any sex chromosome defects, and she does not have Digeorge syndrome, which is associated with heart defects. This is amazing news, this gives us hope that she can attempt surgery, and maybe even survive surgery. We will get more results in a couple weeks with a full chromosomal break down which will tell us if there is anything else wrong. Pray that the rest of the results come back normal too!

We meet with the cardiologist at Colorado Children's Hospital Monday. I am anxious to see what they find out about her heart and what they think about her ability to make it through surgery. But after this good news I am confident that God has bigger plans for her. I am anxious to see Him heal her heart. I am ready for the cardiologists to be in awe of the miracles they are going to see happen in her heart. 

Pray that God would keep her heart pumping! Pray that God will fix her heart in utero! Pray that she would be a miracle! Pray that she would be a witness to Gods goodness! 

Psalms 6:9 The Lord has heard my plea, the Lord will answer my prayer.

Psalms 9:1 I will praise you Lord with all of my heart, I will tell of all of the marvelous things you have done for me. 

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 


  1. That is amazing! Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing our God cannot do.
