In my case, I hate moving. I grew up in one house and never moved until I went to college. I always wanted the same thing when I had a family. Buy one house that suited our needs and never move. Do you know how many different addresses I have used since my freshman year of college? Eleven. (It's only been 14 years) I still to this day have nightmares about moving. I told Tim this morning that I woke up in a bad mood because I was having a dream that I was planning another move and was stressed about it! Every move stressed me out. Most of them I hated and I cried, a lot. Most of those were moves that were not my choice, or were partially my choice but I went kicking and screaming. Some of them were happy moves that didn't make me cry, but still stressed me out. But each one of those addresses taught me a lesson. Some big lessons, some small. Each time I felt pushed, pulled and stretched. I don't think I'll ever look back and say that I appreciate those lessons, but honestly they have made me who I am today, and that I do appreciate.
Before we moved to Colorado our church preached a series called something like stepping out of the boat. Talking about Jesus calling Peter out onto the water (Matthew 14:25-33). Talking about getting uncomfortable for God. Saying yes to things that are hard. Doing thing that are part of our weakness. So when the opportunity to move to Colorado came up, we prayed about it, felt it was God calling us to step out of the boat in faith. We knew it would be hard, we didn't know why Colorado, why so far, why that timing. (This would be the move that I went kicking and screaming.) God wanted us to be okay with being uncomfortable, to practice letting him use our weakness. Because He knew a bigger challenge was up ahead.
One year and three weeks after we made the big move to Colorado our baby was diagnosed with one of the most severe heart defects out there. At first we were told she would not live. That was so hard to hear, but, I hate to admit this, at that time, I was slightly relieved. I told God that I would rather he take her to heaven than have a medically needy child. I did not think I could handle all that she would need medically. I knew I was weak. I did not want to have to walk through surgeries. I did not want to have to see doctor after doctor. I wanted healthy kids! But life challenged me further, she didn't die, she was born with half a heart. And I am so thankful. I am weak. I am uncomfortable. I do hate her appointments. Surgeries have been nightmares for me. (Literally, I still do have nightmares.) But I have grown. I have learned lessons. I have been stretched and pushed and pulled and most importantly, loved. My kids are love. I still feel like I can't be a mom to medically needy kids, but by the grace, strength and power of my God, I can. I can because my kids are who they are and they embrace it and run with it and they love me as much as I love them. Actually I tell them that I love them more than they love me, but who's keeping track?
Can I encourage you to something? Step out of the boat. It will be hard but it will be worth it. Step out of the boat, choose get uncomfortable, before you get pushed out of the boat. Life happens. Hardship and trials will come your way. Life knows where you are weak and it will push your buttons, so before the unavoidable happens, grow yourself. I can't promise it will be fun or pretty, but I promise you will be blessed by it. So, what's your weakness? What are you afraid of?
Here is one way you might be able to try this. Who makes you uncomfortable, who are you afraid to get close to because their life is just too much for you to handle? When you read my stories, are you overwhelmed? Does it make you uncomfortable to put yourself in my shoes? What if you befriended someone who is different from you, or who is going through something that scares you? What if you choose to empathize? What if you stop comparing yourself or your story, and start relating with them? Dive out of the boat into uncomfortable, I promise it will be worth it. You will realize that when you are weak, you find a strength inside of yourself that isn't yours (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).