Monday, February 18, 2019


Normally I do not do new years resolutions. Several years ago I realized that I do not like goal setting and that new years resolutions tend to just make me frustrated, so I decided to stop. If you know yourself, and how you work best, you know what you just should and shouldn't do. However this year a friend of mine encouraged me to use one of these fancy planners that have several calendars and make you do a vision board and goal setting for the year and then each month has goals and on and on... Anyway, it was fun, for about 2 weeks. And then February first hit and of my goals for the month I had reached about 55% of each of them but not actually done any of them to completion. I am so frustrated! Sure, sure, I did something and I guess, I appreciate that I did at least part of those goals because who knows what I would have accomplished had I not written anything down. But I think I have decided that that is not the best motivational tool for me. And seeing as it is February 18 and I have not even looked at it to make new goals for the month, I would assume that I am already behind on any goals I would have set! That's just not how I work. All of that said, one of my goals for the year is to blog twice a month. In January, I only got one post up. So half way there! It is already the 18th and I'm just now sitting down at my computer. I do still want to post twice a month, but in this phase of life I am ok with the fact that it just might not happen. But I would still appreciate it if you would come along for the ride with me! I think I'm going to adjust my goal to once a month... And if I do more its just a bonus.

January and February are always such hard months. They are cold and dark and boring! I find myself dreaming of moving to the beach, just about every day. It doesn't help that Maelyn begs to go to the beach every day. I think, maybe Maelyn would handle winters better at the beach and she would be able to live a better life, or maybe I'd be less afraid of anyone getting sick if we lived in the salty breezes. And the more and more I think about it the more and more I want to go and I think maybe it's possible! But then I remember, where you are is not what is important. Life will follow you anywhere. Even paradise isn't paradise when you live there full time. But most importantly God has placed us where we are for a reason. My word of the year is ROOTS, and dreaming of moving to the beach is not helping me feel rooted where I am. I know that we chose to live here for many great reasons and that God has even more reasons than we know. I just need to be content with these winters. On the bright side, winter here is much better than in Rochester!

Another goal of mine is to just do more as a family and to take more trips. This weekend we had Monday off and so I was determined to use the long weekend. I thought, this is a great opportunity to visit the beach! It might be cold but it is still a trip and the beach so lets try it. Well we procrastinated booking a place to stay and then it came up that this weekend was Tim's grandmothers 97th birthday and there was going to be a party for her. I knew we were not meant to go to the beach, but we were meant to so share our time with family. Share our kids with their grandparents and most importantly with their great grandmother. Even though I wanted to go south, and instead we went north. We almost called it off and didn't go at all out of fear of illness. But, it was so good. The kids did great in the car and staying in new rooms. They loved seeing everyone and everyone loved being able to see all the kids. Their great grandmother was so happy to see her great grandchildren and be able to hug and kiss them. They pray for her every night and I'm sure that is how she's still going at 97 years strong.

I had several other goals. But I'm letting any time frame go. Because if grandma Stocker taught me anything, it's that even if I get to have 97 years, life is short. So I think taking it one day at a time and treasuring my family is about all I need right now.