Saturday, April 18, 2015

Latest updates

Micah had a cardiologist appointment last week at Children's. Due to the two factors, Glycogen Storage Disease and his sister having a congenital heart defect, all of his doctors thought it would be a good idea to have his heart checked, even though both have less than a 1% chance of affecting his heart. He had an EKG and echo done. He did surprisingly well through the tests and exam. His least favorite part was probably getting weighed. His EKG and exam did show a murmur so they went ahead with the echo just to be safe. The echo proved that his heart is perfectly healthy. It is a normal murmur that comes and goes throughout childhood. 

Later the same afternoon I had an appointment for Maelyn and I. I didn't end up bringing the boys with me. A friend graciously offered to come watch them for me. I was so grateful since Micah had already had an appointment that morning and my appointment went much longer than I had anticipated. It would have been so stressful having them there with me. Everything looks good and she is doing well. She passed the non-stress test and has plenty of fluid. She is very active and still loves to suck on her hands and feet. I got to see her sucking on the ultrasound, it was pretty cool! She is a feisty one. She kicks the monitors during the non-stress tests and wiggles around a lot during ultrasounds. She's getting harder to see well on the ultrasounds because she is getting bigger! And her hands are always on her face, which doesn't help! 

We have started packing. Oh, how I hate packing. I hate being in the unorganized state of half packed, half unpacked. But that is probably going to be our life for the next month. It is always the case, that as soon as you get a box packed, you want something out of it. And once you get a box packed you find those few random things that you wanted packed in it but they just didn't fit. So you end up with a box of random miscellaneous items that you don't know how to label. Ben is starting to catch on to packing a little bit. He started "packing his trains" for me. Of course half came back out of the box by the afternoon. I've been stressing over packing and moving (and really everything going on in our life), and Tim's response is but "moving is fun!" Thank you God that he feels that way and that Tim is not easily (if ever) stressed or overwhelmed. If I were not 8 months pregnant and facing everything else, I might be able to get on board with excitement about moving. I feel like I should be excited about moving into our own house, but honestly it's just hard to feel excited about anything lately. I would say I can feel relief. Relief we have a house to move to, relief that the appointments went well, relief that Ben is finally potty trained, but not excited. There are just still too many hurdles in the way. 

When we move in 10 days, the boys will be sharing a room. I'm getting more and more nervous about this. I don't know how Micah is going to do with all of the transitions. We tried twice to move him to Ben's room here and it didn't happen. But once we move there is no option, it is happening. I wasn't worried about Ben, he typically does well with transitions, but he has started to have night terrors. If you don't know what night terrors are, he is sleeping and screaming, crying, kicking, flailing, jumping, and there is nothing you can do to comfort him. Touching him and talking to him almost make it worse, he will scream more and kick you away because he is asleep having a nightmare and you can't wake him. And as if night terrors aren't traumatizing enough for a mommy, I couldn't stop thinking, what if Micah were in the room with him? Micah would not be able to sleep though it, and might start screaming too. I was looking on line for info about night terrors and how to prevent them. Of course it's like, eliminate stress, don't move, don't have a baby, don't potty train, don't change routine, keep them well rested (he just stopped taking naps), and (what first came to my mind) stop watching TV. I'd love to eliminate stress and TV from his life but I can't. We haven't watched any TV the last couple days but the more we pack, it is going to need to be a usable distraction. And Ben's poor stress level is going to go up so much more once his sister is born and mommy and daddy are gone. 

Once we move, pray for sleep in our house. I'm afraid no one is going to get any sleep. Continue to pray for packing and moving and unpacking. Continue to pray for Maelyn's heart and the pregnancy. Pray for Micah's growth and health and sleep. Pray for Ben's sleep and understanding of the move. Praise God for Tim's amazing optimism and positive attitude. Pray for him as he continues to do the 2 am wake up call for Micah. Pray that I would be more positive and would not worry about what the future holds. Pray that I would be able to be strong for my kids. Pray for planning and timing and all of the unknowns as we get closer to the birth. I'm a planner and it is hard for me to handle all of this unknown and uncertainty. 

These last few days I've been reciting over and over to myself, trying to remind myself, (Matthew 6:34) Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's self... But man is it hard. 

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