Thursday, April 30, 2015

Moving week

Last weekend we really started getting ready to move. And by we I basically mean Tim. We closed on our house on Monday morning and started taking loads across the street that afternoon. Two pastors from our church came with the church van and trailer and helped Tim get all of the the garage and basement moved. Then some friends came in the evening to continue to help Tim get stuff moved. We also had a friend volunteer to paint all three bedrooms for us! He did an awesome job and did it so fast! By Tuesday we had a pretty good start moving, and all the painting was done. A friend came over during the day for a couple hours to let me get over here and start unpacking and bring empty boxes back, which was super helpful. I hate the unorganized/stuff everywhere part of moving, so being able to unpack as we went was really helpful to me. They left the church van and trailer for us to keep using so Tim got a couple loads over himself on Tuesday.

I thought I would have pictures of the move but in the chaos I did not take any pictures. I didn't even get pictures of the house empty because we started moving in so fast. Once we are settled I'll get pictures of it.

Wednesday was the big move IN day. It was such a long day.  After breakfast I dropped the boys off at my friends house. She graciously offered to watch them ALL DAY... Bless her. They did great but didn't take naps. After I dropped the boys off I ran to a couple store to get some groceries, diaper and accessories we needed into the new house. And then it was the real packing mode. We had to pack up the boys dressers and bedding and finish packing the last of the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen things we had never packed because we were using them. I never got to the kitchen to finish packing all of the dishes, glasses and food. I had to head over to the new house to direct "the movers" (aka Tim's co-workers) who had started taking loads of furniture and boxes to the new house. They did a great job getting stuff out of the house and loaded and unloaded so fast! I was just trying to keep up! Eventually I realized what time it was and I knew I needed the boys room put together and unpacked before I went and brought them home. But the pizza had just come for the men and the internet guy was here, it was kind of crazy. So I begged and got some guys to assemble Ben's bed as I unpacked his clothes into his dresser and them Tim came and assembled Micah's crib. By the time I finished getting their room ready for them to sleep in it was after 5:30. Luckily my friend had already fed the boys and they were having a grand time at her house with her 3 girls and 2 dogs! But I felt bad I had left them there for so long. They were excited to come home to the new house. They had hung out in it on Monday and Tuesday but Ben was excited that this time he got to stay and sleep in his new room. We put them to bed and then kept moving and unpacking. Some friends came over after dinner time to help move. I think they were surprised at how little was left but they were such a great help! They packed up everything in the kitchen that I had left (which was a lot), brought it over and even unpacked it for me! That was such a blessing. They moved all of the food from the fridge and freezer and pantry and unloaded it. They unloaded my stacks of heavy dishes. Then they went through the garage with me and took the miscellaneous stuff to the rooms they needed to go to, which seriously saved my aching body. And they helped Tim with a couple more truck loads of stuff. The biggest disappointment is that our basement couch, which is a guest bed, wont fit down the stairs. So we don't have a guest space down there. We are going to look into getting something smaller that we could get down there, but it's frustrating when you already have something but it's just sitting in your garage. At least, for now, the nursery is a guest room so that our parents have a comfortable space when they come to take care of the boys for us.  

I was very nervous about them sharing a room but, so far, it is actually going well. I don't know if it is just because they are both just so tired they don't even notice, or what. We decided to keep Micah in his crib to get him through the transitions. I think it was the right decision because he is sleeping well in the new room with Ben. Ben had been fighting naps, but today he was so tired he actually asked for one. So they are napping in their room together. Once he starts fighting it again I think I'm going to give him "quiet time" in a different room because Micah is still a good napper. Ben loves his new house, his new room, and his new back yard. His new back yard is really fun!

I love the new house, it's coming together. We still have a few things to bring over from the other house tonight and then we are out. We obviously have more to unpack and do but I had enough time to unpack that everything is livable. This weekend we will be doing lots of little projects and hopefully I can start decorating. The thing that is scary for me is that being in the new house means 4 weeks until Maelyn is born. That should be an excited feeling, but each day I get more nervous and scared. She has been doing great at all of her bi-weekly appointments. Continue to pray that she is best case scenario, no less healed by birth! Pray that we continue to get settled and form new routines quickly and that the boys keep doing well sharing a room. We all have little colds, so pray for health, and for my aching body. Moving while being this pregnant is a kind of torture! Continue to pray for Tim and the 2 am feedings. Praise God for all of the help we got moving this week! Thank you to all of our friends who pitched in. You all played an important part in us getting this done.

As much as I did not want to move at all. It feels good to know that we are not going anywhere soon. We can settle in, it is ours, we can make it ours and we can leave on our own timing. That is a huge stress relief. And we are still on our street! Let us know if you need the new number.


  1. I am so happy for you guys! Glad you had a lot of help, and WOW, what a good friend to paint for you! Someday we have to get back there to visit you and see the new place. Looking forward to seeing pictures.

  2. Congratulations for closing on the house, and finally moving in! Too bad you weren’t able to take pictures of the moment, but I hope things were really nice during those days – though probably except for the unpacking. Haha! Anyway, it seems like you guys had your hands full on unloading and setting things up. Whatever the case is now, I hope things are doing a lot better. Thanks for sharing this with us, Katelyn. Have a great day!

    June Griffith @ Arnold and Self

  3. Excellent, Katelyn. It is great how all your friends and the people in the community went out of their way to help you, even providing you with the van to carry all the stuff that you need to move out. That place is surely worth missing. I hope that all your stuff were kept intact and that you continue to settle in your new home. Good day!

    Clay Delgado @ World Packaging Co.
