Friday, May 8, 2015

3 more weeks

We have been in our house for a week, and I am feeling pretty settled. Moving over the course of several days let me get a head start on unpacking and the majority of the house was unpacked by last weekend. All that is left is garage and basement stuff, which let's face it, never truly gets unpacked, but we are going to try and do it before baby comes. We have gotten lots of little projects done, but still have a long list to accomplish this weekend. I am relieved that I was able to settle fast, and this house feels like home already. It took me a long time to feel at home in our last house, because it wasn't ours, so it is really nice to be a home owner again. 

This was a crazy week of doctors appointments. I am so thankful for all of my friends who have been so willing to watch the boys for me. I had a non-stress test Monday, we had her last fetal echo on Wednesday, and Thursday Micah had an appointment with his metabolic doctors and I had another non-stress test, OB appointment and growth ultrasound. Mae always passes the non-stress tests within 5 or 10 minutes, even though they have to monitor for 20. She always kicks the monitors. This week we made a game out of it. The nurse moved the monitor and waited for her to kick it, then moved it to the other side and she moved and kicked it on the other side. She also passed her growth ultrasound. She is still measuring small but she is growing. Pray that she grows a lot in these next 3 weeks so that she is a good size when she is born. Right now she is measuring 5 pounds 4 oz. They say they gain an ounce a day this last month, that would still put her around 6 and a half pounds, which seems so small to me, since the boys we closer to 8. But we will see, I never know how accurate the ultrasound measurements are anyway. We will have one more growth ultrasound 3 days before the induction. Her echo showed nothing new. The doctor describes it as best case scenario for what she has. She is hopeful that she will not need the first surgery, but they will not know until she is a few days old.  Her next echo will be a few hours after birth. 

Micah's appointment went well. It was just a check up to continue to track his growth and discuss his corn starch and diet. His growth is okay. His body seems to be slowly gaining control back and he is slowly evening out. They are not concerned any more, they think the last appointment was a mis-measurement because all of his other appointments have measured him on his same curve. His triglyceride levels are still high but are very slowly going down. So physical progress is slow but there. But his development and hitting milestones has just exploded in the last few months. The doctors agreed that since starting his corn starch he has quickly caught up on his developmental milestones, so the delays he had were a symptom of his Glycogen Storage Disease. Continue to pray for the 2 am feedings. They are getting harder on us. I am to the point that I physically can't do it. It hurts to get out of bed, and I can't lean into the crib with my big belly. Tim is a trooper, but it is really draining to get up at 2 am every night.

I've been asked several times this week, how am I feeling? And I don't really know how to answer that question. Physically, I feel like I'm carrying a huge watermelon around with me. I'm so tired, everything hurts and I'm starting to swell.  She is getting bigger and running out of room so her movements are hurting me more and contractions are getting stronger, reminding me that I will be getting that epidural. So physically, I am ready to be done being pregnant. But I am not ready for her to be born. I am scared. I don't want to let her go, I don't want to hand her over to the doctors, I want to keep her safe inside of me.  Now that I am starting to feel settled, we are moved, mostly unpacked, I feel like I can start to prepare for the hospital and surgeries. It is starting to feel semi-manageable, but still, how do I prepare for this? I've realized that I'll never feel ready to hand my baby over for open heart surgery, or to leave my boys at home. There isn't any way to prepare. Just pray. Give up control and trust God with all of my babies. Because it's all coming for us, in 3 weeks. 

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