We are home! We were told to expect to be in the hospital between 4 - 10 days. While I was packing to go, I was being optimistic and only packed for 4 days. Once we got there I started to worry and started to wonder if I should have packed more. But God was with us, and we got home in 4 days. It felt like she would take three steps forward and one step back, and I would get upset, but those three steps forward made up for so much that she recovered very fast. And every time we put out a prayer request, you prayer warriors were there for us, and He answered! I thought we would need to stay one more night but her doctor was the one on the floor and he helped us get discharged sooner. He knows her, he knows us and he knows that we live close enough that we could easily bring her back if something were to come up. I even thought we wouldn't get out until after dinner time but this time we knew what to ask the nurses and doctors and they were on top of it and got us out around 3 pm!
Getting very bored in her room. |
Pre-op was hard. Handing over a seemingly healthy and happy baby to go through open heart surgery, with all of the possibilities ahead of us was pretty horrible. Watching her recover the first couple days was hard too. She was (seemed) perfect before we handed her over. Seeing her awake, but not really there was bizarre and sad. And being a mommy and not being able to comfort your baby is the worst feeling ever. It's all just feelings you hope you'll never experience and then when it's over you're relived and then there is that feeling of 'we did it, it's over and we shouldn't have to go through it again'. Unfortunately, we will have to go through it again. But I keep reminding myself that we have a few years, and she will be older and it will be different.
Driving home! |
It feels good to be home. Our own beds are just the best. I will say, staying at the hospital this time was much easier because of the fact that I had not just given birth, and we had a shower. We were also very blessed by many people with food while we were there. That was huge too. We didn't have to think about eating or worry about spending money to eat 3 times a day. Biggest thank yous to those who sent care packages with snacks and goodies, and to those who ordered us meals while we were there! I am glad to be home with the boys but I am very glad my parents are still here to help. I am still trying to figure out how to care for her from home. She is still on an oxygen, so every time she moves, the tank has to come too. Her tanks also need to be switched out every twelve hours and refilled. She still hates taking her meds. She gets them twice a day, plus tylenol and motrin as needed, which are her least favorite. We are still trying to figure out the best way to get them in her. She still wont take a pacifier or bottle, but is nursing ok. She is still sore but actually seems to be doing well with the pain, even when we skip some tylenol and motrin. But there is something about being home that makes it so much better.
Hanging out at home. |
Praise God for hearing our cries and answering our prayers. Thank you God for being our Sustainer. Praise God for creating little bodies that are able to heal so quickly. Thank you God for Jesus, who brings us so close to you and who brings us your Spirit at all times.
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