Thursday, October 29, 2015

4 weeks post op

Thank you all for praying for us so much! I know Maelyn has been doing well because of your prayers. 
5 Months old
Today is 4 weeks since Maelyn had her surgery. It has been a really long month, but she has been doing really well. Other than being on oxygen she has been a pretty normal 5 month old baby. She had a good week or so of sleep regression and she is teething like crazy. She has been nursing and growing well, and is back to sleeping well. Luckily her doctor agreed with how well she is doing and is letting her come off her oxygen and lasix! And we do not have to go back to see him for 6 months! (I just have to monitor her oxygen for a while and make sure she can stay in the 80's.) I am so happy to have no cardiac appointments scheduled for her. That hasn't happened since January. And I am so happy to not be lugging the oxygen tank around with me and watching out for the tubing every second! We are so close to getting back to normal life! She has 2 more weeks of 'recovery', where she can't get sick and can't be lifted under her arms or do tummy time, but we will hopefully start getting out more. Since 2 weeks before surgery we have not really gone any where or done anything. We haven't been to church in 6 weeks. While my parents were here we did a couple things outside, like pumpkin picking, but since they left, I haven't really left the house. Luckily this weekend is Halloween! We are going to trunk or treat at church tomorrow and trick or treating on Saturday (thankfully without an oxygen tank in tow).  Ben has been asking to go places and see friends so I am excited to get the boys back to normal too. 

Please pray for continued healing and great recovery for Maelyn. For continued normal development, hitting milestones and health. Pray for getting back to normalcy and for getting out of the house. Pray for sleep in our house. Even though things are going so well, pray for a positive attitude for me and energy. It's been a hard month (year).

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