Thursday, November 12, 2015

6 weeks post op

We finally made it to the 6 week post op mile stone. She is officially recovered! We can officially get back to normal, and treat her like a normal baby. We have sort of tested out solid foods, but she is not a fan. We have just started tummy time again, which she basically just lays there, no rolling or pushing up, but she's content. She has tried the jumper a couple times but doesn't really like it. She is starting to sit independently a little bit, which is amazing and exciting. For the last 2 weeks we've been easing into this normalcy. We've been trying to go out and having people over. We went to our churches Halloween festivities and I took the boys trick or treating on our street while Tim and Mae handed out candy at our house. We've had a few play dates. This past weekend we went to church and did child dedication for all three kiddos. I took the kids out of the house by myself for the first time since surgery. We went to Target. You would have thought we were at an amusement park, the boys had so much fun just being out. Micah's going, "ohhh look at all the colors!" and Ben is going, "and that's a Christmas tree, and that's a Christmas pillow, and that's a Christmas cup..." He is always excited for Christmas, so now that it is actually approaching, he's super excited. Now that Maelyn is healthy, we can all get excited and ready for the holidays. Tim and I have been looking forward to Christmas for a long time, knowing that if Maelyn made it, she would be fine by Christmas, and here we are, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet! We may have a Christmas tree up already, but I am still looking forward to Thanksgiving. This year, thanksgiving will just be our little family of 5, but we have so much to be thankful for, it might just be the best Thanksgiving yet. Now that Maelyn and Micah are doing so well, and stress is low, I've been able to really focus on all of our blessings and just praising God for answered prayer and for life. Just look at all of this life we have to be so thankful for.

Halloween night

The boys Christmas tree went up 11/1
Her pretty dedication dress

The first big snow fall!

I have no words for this one, just, love.

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