Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The month of February

I realize I didn't post at all the month of February. This blog was started to be able to keep friends and family updated on our lives and I didn't really have anything to update. I was also able to take a trip, just Maelyn and I, to NY to visit friends and family there, so they got to meet Mae and see us instead of just reading about us! Maelyn and I had a very busy but fun week. We got to see people I haven't seen in years and we got to meet people who have been praying for us so much this last year. She did great being off her schedule and in new places. We were there over Valentines day and Tim was home with the boys all week. They had fun at home together and did great without mommy. Maelyn and I got stuck in NY for an extra day due to the weather.

The rest of February was busy but uneventful. Lots of colds, a couple trips to the pediatrician, a stomach bug. But we've had beautiful weather, lots of playing outside. Ben has been absolutely loving school. He is so smart already but has be soaking in everything from school. He counted to 200 today. I had to sit and listen to each number... His teacher is impressed with how quickly he is picking up hand writing. Micah's been copying everything Ben says and does, so I'm so thankful Ben is so smart and well behaved! They are the best boys a mommy could ask for! Maelyn's growing fast. She loves to self feed and suddenly hates baby food. She still doesn't roll or crawl. I think it's called, "I have two big brothers so why would I move to get a toy?" and she is just so easy going and content that she isn't easily motivated to move. But she will be evaluated by early intervention sometime next month. We had a little scare that she might have hip dysplasia but found out yesterday that her x-rays looked good. So pray for her gross motor development and her legs as one is longer than the other.

March will bring lots more travel for Tim. The last few months he has been traveling a lot and I am not a fan. This month we also have a big 4 year birthday party planned. The boys are also excited for Easter. I had really fun Norwex parties in NY but need to find hosts here in CO. I can't keep traveling for them. So I'm hoping to figure out how to make that happen.

Thank you to those who've continued to pray for us. Please pray for continued health and healing. Pray for continued assimilation into our new normal. I'm still having a hard time, it feels like it is going to be a life long process.

They grow so fast!

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