Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I have a 4 year old!?

Luckily, I have not had much to write about lately. But we spent the month of March preparing for Ben's birthday. Because his birthday was on Easter, I think I over compensated... Tim was gone for two weeks in the middle of the month so my parents came out to visit while he was gone. We had a little celebration for Ben while they were here and he kept calling it his pretend birthday. He got a special birthday boy t-shirt and he wore it when we went to the train museum. When we go home he got a couple presents from nana and g-pa and then had cupcakes.
 Then the week of his real birthday we had a combined birthday party with friends who's son turned 4 the day before Ben. We went to a play center with friends and had pizza and cupcakes. Driving home from this, an exhausted Ben called from the back seat of the van, "mommy, am I four yet?"... 
Then the day before his birthday we had our family birthday day with presents, facetimeing with family and more cupcakes. 
And then by the morning of his actual birthday I was in Easter mode and kind of forgot that it was the actual day! In the morning we gave Easter baskets and got dressed in our Easter clothes, then I remembered! I asked Ben what he wanted for breakfast and told him he could have anything he wanted because it was his birthday, and he chose pepperoni. I don't know why, I don't know where he thought of it, but I had some, so he had pepperoni for breakfast on his 4th birthday. Ben got to wear his birthday boy pin to church and we ran to the grocery store for cake after nap time! We had an Easter dinner at our house with friends and had a little egg hunt in the family room for the 4 boys (Ben being the oldest). Then some more friends joined us for cake and a game night. Everyone made Ben feel very special. It was a great Easter. Ben is very happy to finally be four. 

1 comment:

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