Thursday, March 26, 2015

Understanding DILV

Now that we have found a house, and there is slightly less stress in that department right now, I've realized how much house hunting was just an unwelcome distraction from everything with Maelyn. Now that we know where we will be living, I am back to trying to figuring out how we will be living. For one, just how to live with three kids, three and under. No less how to live with double inlet left ventricle, the hospital stays, the doctors appointments, the open heart surgeries, the catheter heart surgeries, the "Fontan Heart", and not to mention Glycogen Storage Disease. 

I've been attempting to read the book Heart Warriors, by Amanda Adams. It is her story of walking through her son's congenital heart defect. It's been really hard to read. I end up reading a chapter to a few pages and not being able to keep reading through my own tears, knowing that we are going to go through similar surgeries. I've also been researching more blogs of families who have been through this to try and prepare. I know every case is different, and I don't know what is going to happen, but I need to prepare myself because it is going to be a long hard road. I found one blog this week that I was relating to and was excited to read about how their son is doing, but they stopped blogging after his first surgery. But I really want to share one of their posts with you because the father does a great job explaining what DILV is, and how hard it is to explain. I hope their post helps you understand what we are facing. 

The Dunlap Family Journey: Understanding DILV

Thank you for praying for us as we have been walking through a lot these last few weeks. Thank you for all of the cards and messages we have gotten. Continue to pray that things calm down and things with the new house keep going smoothly. Pray my car is finally fixed and stops giving us problems. Pray for upcoming appointments, that Maelyn continues to look healthy and that her heart would miraculously heal. Praise God, Tim's company had lay offs this week and he is still there. Pray that his job only gets better with the coming changes to his position. Praise God my parents are here for a few days to celebrate Ben's birthday!

I want to share some verses that have been standing out to me this week. 

This verse was huge for me when we moved here and I was struggling with being in CO and it has been appearing a lot lately. Isaiah 43:19, For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. 

And Psalm 25

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