The cardiologist did another echo cardiogram on Maelyn's heart. It didn't take quite as long this time because they now know what they are looking at and looking for. Once again, she was not in the most ideal position so they had a hard time seeing everything clearly. I love that when I am pregnant I can really feel the baby. I can tell where the hands and feet and butt are. I can feel every kick and punch and wiggle and hiccup. This makes the ultrasounds even more fun. I get to see what I am feeling. She kept moving and I told them that she was punching me with her little fists and sure enough we checked and saw her give me one swift punch. It was really cool to confirm what I imagined those movements were. After the ultrasound, for some reason, I got nervous that something was going to be wrong or we were going to get worse news. But the cardiolosist reported that nothing has really changed. She still appears to be in the best condition for what she has. All of her valves seem to be working well and all of her arteries are good size. They are still checking the blockage of the pulmonary artery. This is where we want some blockage but not too much. They will not be certain about it until she is born and they can do an echo on her chest. At that point they can say for sure if she will need that first surgery or not. We are really praying she does not need it.
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I always think these pictures are kind of creepy, but neat. Her hand is under her chin, and she's using the placenta as a pillow. |
After the appointment we took a quick tour of the labor and delivery unit and that cardiac intensive care unit, where she will go after birth. We started with the CICU since it is on the 3rd floor with the cardiac clinic. It it very nice and looks like they will do a great taking care of her, but it looks pretty uncomfortable for us. Every room is essentially a fish bowl so that they can see everything from the nurses desk. There isn't a bathroom for the parents and the "bed" is a foam couch. If she can move to the regular cardiac unit the rooms will be more comfortable for us, but if she needs surgery she will probably be in the CICU for about a month. We went up to the 4th floor where labor and delivery will take place. Tim and I were shocked when we walked into the massive labor and delivery room. It was pretty sweet! I guess they have to be big for the dozen or so doctors and nurses that will probably need to be there. But there is also a table and chairs, a more slightly comfortable looking couch-bed, a recliner and the huge beautiful bathroom. I think it was the nicest bathroom I've ever been in. I will get to stay in that room on the 4th floor and she will be moved to her CICU room on the 3rd floor about an hour after birth. I am free to go down to her room whenever I am ready but her room is going to be much harder to recover in. There is no bathroom and no bed, the two things you really need after pushing a baby out of you. I'm also not allowed to pump in her room, since the room is a giant window. They are not sure how much I will be able to nurse her. We are praying that she will do so well that nursing will not be hindered, but I was told to plan on mostly pumping. I know it is going to be very hard for me to not be with her 24/7. When the boys were born I feel like I hardly ever put them down, and we never let them out of our sight. They were held all day and sometimes over night those first few nights. It is going to be hard to not get to hold her and snuggle her and nurse her, no less leaving her alone in her room. Tim and I were talking about how to do that. I don't know how we are going to do that. We just have to remember that she is different, and for her it will be better to be taken care of by medical professionals, than by snuggles. They need to get her well before we can smother her with love. (I might bribe the nurses to snuggle her though.)
Tour the Labor and Delivery unit.
I also can't imagine being away from the boys so much. I know they will be fine, they are really good and do well for other people. But I am going to be an emotional wreck (not to mention the hormones from child birth making everything more intense). After I had Micah and was at the hospital, I heard a little kid outside my room and just started crying because I missed Ben, and it had been less than a day. Yesterday was a crazy day, and I only saw them for an hour before dinner time and I was surprised how much I needed to snuggle them as soon as I walked in the door. It is easier with Ben, although he is a momma's boy and he missed me a lot, I gave him a big hug and we were fine. But Micah is still so little and he is also a big momma's boy who spends most of the day on me or next to me, it is hard to not be with him. When I am even gone for an hour and get back he comes right to me needing to be held and honestly I need to hold him too. Last night we spent some time just sitting together doing nothing because we didn't see each other all day. He's my real snuggler and I think we have a special bond since he was such a hard baby, and everything he's gone through. How am I going to balance them at home and her in the hospital for weeks at a time? I am very thankful that it is only a 30-40 minute drive, not a road trip or plane ride, I'll just have to figure it out.
I have so many pictures just like this one. This is our typical spot, snuggled up together. |
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