Sunday, January 18, 2015

Such Blessings

I am so blessed.

I have two amazing little boys who give me so much love and joy. And I have another little baby who it starting to give me little pokes from the inside. There are moments, ok hours, ok sometimes days, when the boys drive me absolutely nuts and I just want to walk out of the house screaming. But mostly, they are sweet, giggly, cuddly, hilarious, precious, loving, adorable little boys. Through all of this stuff with Micah's diagnosis, I am becoming more and more aware of how blessed we are that we are all actually so healthy. He is healthy, he just has to manage some stuff. We are so blessed that we are not living in a hospital and that we don't have to worry about tomorrow.

And there are times when I swear, if I knew this pregnancy was going to be this hard and sickening, I would not have gotten pregnant! But that's not true. I know this baby is going to be perfect and worth all the pain. As I start to feel little kicks and jabs from the inside I can't help but think about what she/he is going to be like. Perfect of course because God created him/her. I need to try harder to enjoy this pregnancy because pregnancy is a gift, a miracle, a blessing. There will be a day that I will forgot how incredible it feels to be growing a tiny human in me, and I don't want to take it for granted.

Tim is super daddy and super husband. I may be the stay at home mom, but when he can, Tim helps with cooking and laundry and cleaning and he bathes the boys and he gets up in the middle of the night and he loves his boys so much. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband. We have a little saying to each other that we've said since we were dating. We just say, "you are perfect, for me." And I love it because it reminds us how much we appreciate each other and love one another, and that we are meant to be together, not with anyone else. It also reminds us that we are human. We are not perfect, but together, we can try our best. Tim truly is my other half, I don't know how I would function without him. He is always there for me and holds me up when I fall. He brings me back to reality and to God when I loose sight. He is so level headed when I am not. He models faith for me and he is the one who has helped me grow in my trust of God's plan and teaches me not to worry. It was God that put us together almost 12 years ago. We trusted God with our relationship and we are so blessed.

I thank God every day for my husband and my kids. My life is a blessing.

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