Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thoughts on 2 am feedings

Having your baby out grow 2 am feedings is usually a mile stone that parents thoroughly rejoice over. And let me tell you, it took us a long time to get Micah sleeping through the night, so we were beyond thrilled when we stopped feeding him at night. You never think that you will have to wake yourself up at a horrible hour ever again to feed that baby who is growing into a child. So when that became an option, Tim and I were both totally against it. It was mentioned when Micah was discharged from his hospital stay for the biopsy and we basically ignored it. Then when his morning glucose levels seemed fine we put it out of our minds. We had worked so hard to get Micah sleeping well and he's only been doing a great nights sleep for a couple months. The thought of changing that back is just a huge bummer. But now, knowing why it was so hard to get him to sleep all night, makes me feel horrible. His little body was in distress and his blood sugar was dropping, possibly dangerously, low. We were asked several times if he ever had seizures or periods of unconsciousness. We always said no, because, that we know of he didn't, but I wonder sometimes what happened to him at night when we had to just let him scream. I try not to think about it. God was protecting him, and every morning he woke up fine.

Micah at 1 week and Ben at 18 months.

Now he is a great sleeper and will even hang out in his crib after he wakes up in the morning. But now when he wakes up, I feel a panic to get in there and get him fed. And some mornings he is a little bit more groggy and doesn't seem to feel well when I get him up. On the worst days he will throw up. It wasn't until about two weeks ago that I made the connection to his weird mornings and his disease. With kids, you generally know you will never sleep in again, but with Micah, I can't ever sleep in again, because he needs to eat something ASAP in the mornings. And now, there is a chance we will not even get an uninterrupted nights sleep for the next 5 or so years. Knowing we will have a new a newborn to feed all night long in 5 months is enough of a sleep stresser. I can't imagine having an alarm set for 2 am with a newborn sleeping next to me. As I have been trying to prepare myself for this, all I can say is pray for us! Lord prepare me! Pray that I handle all of the new sleep schedules well and that God gives me extra strength! Pray that when baby comes he/she is a good sleeper from the start and that babies schedule quickly lines up with Micah's.

Ben and Micah, just over a year later.

After a huge hassle and headache, it took us over 2 weeks to get a hold of the ketone blood strips. So we start the 2 am feedings tonight and talk to the doctors on Monday to see what they think of the ketone levels. 

Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives his people strength and blesses his people with peace. 

I also wanted to share a song that has been on my heart. I've been thinking about the whole "Word of the Year" devotional thing, and even though my one word is still working itself out, this is definitely my 'song of the year'. 

Love & The Outcome - Heart Like You

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