Thursday, February 19, 2015

When it rains, it pours.

When we got the news about Maelyn, it felt like it was piling on top of Micah's medical issues. And then you count your blessings, and thank God for a stable job, insurance and a comfortable home. You praise God for those things and then beg that nothing else happens. 

Well a couple weeks ago we got word that the company Tim works for is about to have massive world wide lay offs. We were trying not to worry about it and Tim is feeling confident that he will not be one of the ones laid off, but every day brings new and different rumors, so we just don't know. We are trying not to stress about it, but at the same time, we cannot have a laps in medical insurance. We have very expensive doctors appointments every week. So Tim has been casually looking for options around Denver in the case that he does end up getting laid off. As much as we want to get back east, I feel like we need another year here to get Maelyn through her first round of surgeries. So we had been thinking, Tim should make it through the lay offs with his job, we will sign another year on our lease and then next spring we will plan on trying to move. 

Today we got an email from our landlord telling us that he and his wife are moving back to Denver, so when our lease ends in April we need to move out. First off, that just wasn't our plan, and second, I love our house. To be honest, this house is the only thing that I like about Colorado. So the thought of moving is sad and just so overwhelming. I hate moving, I just want a forever home. I don't want to be packing, I don't want to be unpacking a new temporary home in the weeks before Maelyn is to be born, go into surgery, recovery, ect. We thought that the next time we moved it would be somewhere back east (even though we now know that where ever we move it needs to be near a city that has a great pediatric cardiac surgical program for us). Now that Tim's job is semi-up-in-the-air, and we need to move, we just want to move back east somewhere. Ideally we would like to be near Philly, Baltimore/DC, or Durham/Raleigh (or Boston but we don't really want to be in Boston), because of their pediatric cardiology programs. However now we have 8 weeks to figure out where we are going to live. So we are in a pickle. And as much as an 8 week time frame is so short, something has to happen then, before Maelyn is born. Most likely we will just need to find somewhere, fast and cheap, to live here. 

We had an appointment for Maelyn today. Another set of chromosomal tests came back, all normal. Physically, she looks good on the ultrasound, other than her heart. The doctor is concerned that she has not grown enough. She dropped in percentile a bit. Hopefully she just hasn't gone through her next growth spurt yet and when they check her again in three weeks she will have grown a lot. 

I also talked to Micah's doctor today. They are increasing his 2 am dose again but this should be it. We are meeting with his doctors in a couple weeks to check his lab work again and discuss his doses of corn starch. His doctor did say that the plan is to eventually get him off the 2 am dose and only need to give him a bed time dose, but that could take anywhere from one to three years. 

We feel like God has to have something massive planned for us because he is just stripping everything down. Pray that God would reveal his plan, because we are just blinded. Pray that doors would open for job's and houses, quickly. Pray that nothing else would go wrong in our lives. Pray that Maelyn will grow and heal. Pray that Micah's corn starch doses are set, and work, and that we can get him off the 2 am dose sooner than the doctors think. Pray for Ben, who gets very attached to things and will probably have a hard time packing and moving. Continue to pray for scheduling and help watching the boys as appointments are getting more frequent. Pray for finances, now on top of medical bills we need money to move. Pray for our stress level, for His wisdom, guidance, peace, trust and comfort. 


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